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Cold and Frozen Products Set "fresh"

small foot



Laveste pris de siste 30 dagene: 317,-
Gir 24 bonuspoeng til medlemmer ved kjøp
På leverandørlager - 7-10 dagers leveringstid

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Dette produktet kommer direkte fra leverandør. 7-10 dagers leveringstid må påregnes.

In an active role-play, children can first shop for the products in their play store and then put them into the refrigerator in their play kitchen. The material made of robust solid wood guarantees long-lasting playtime fun and has a high-quality appearance thanks to a highly visible proportion of wood material and its natural design. With the understandable illustrations on the toys' packaging, text is not required, which makes it possible for even the youngest children to play, too.


small foot


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